Wednesday, August 1, 2018

New Daily Mercies

They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. - Lamentations 3:23

Baba mi (my Father), thank You for Your mercies new every morning over my life.


Gary Anderson said...

I was correct. The law of Moses in Rom. 8:3 is powerless, not just weak. Weak is an incorrect translation. The law has no power. That is why it had to be abolished.

Gary Anderson said...

I was correct. The law of Moses in Rom. 8:3 is powerless, not just weak. Weak is an incorrect translation. The law has no power. That is why it had to be abolished.

Gary Anderson said...

I was correct. The law of Moses in Rom. 8:3 is powerless, not just weak. Weak is an incorrect translation. The law has no power. That is why it had to be abolished.

Gary Anderson said...

So I am hoping you will restore me to the group. I am speaking the truth. I seek only the salvation of those who read what I post.