A proverb a day
Keeps the folly at bay
True I say
In every way
That was a poem I wrote many years ago. There are other stanzas but the above would suffice. Shlomo (Solomon in Hebrew language)has the reputation from God to be the wisest man. His writings (Mishlei - Proverbs in English) prove that God is right! Whenever I realise that I have been foolish or I analyze that I require more wisdom, I go to God in prayer as Apostle Ya'akov (Jacob in Hebrew) says in James 1:5. I trust God to speak to me through His word. Since Proverbs has 31 chapters, it is easy to go through one chapter daily. Whether at lunch time or when I wake up, before bedtime or when I have spare time, I read a proverb a day. I also personalize the promises. For example Proverbs 15:2 (New Living Translation):
"The wise person makes learning a joy; fools spout only foolishness." I agree with that, desire it and profess; "God has made me a wise person (because Jesus Christ {Yeshua HaMashiach} has been made wisdom unto me [1 Corinthians 1:30]), therefore I make learning a joy. I do not act like fools and spout only foolishness.
Yes, a proverb a day
Keeps foolishness away!
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