Words are SO IMPORTANT! Prophet YirmeYahu (Jeremiah) knew this. He "said to himself" We all say to ourselves don't we? We all have self-talk, but the content of our "talk" empowers or weakens us. We are so blessed to belong to Adonai. He has given us so much! One particular gift of God is the gift of speech. We can speak, we can talk, we can profess, we can declare, we can make decrees! What a blessing! Prophet Jeremiah made a decision to make a particular declaration. He confessed; "The LORD is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in him!" What a declaration, what a statement, what a blessing!
I declare as well, Adonai is my inheritance and I hope in Him. HalleluYah! I declare, Adonai is my inheritance, He alone is my portion! Adonai is my strength, He is my deliverer. Adonai is my shelter, He is my joy, yes, I hope in Adonai!