"....There we knelt, prayed," - Acts 21:5
There's something about prayer, but there's really something about praying on one's knees. For me, and I'm sure, many, there's a deeper reverence with kneeling. When I kneel to pray, I feel more submitted to Yahweh. There's no verse in the bible that states one must kneel for prayers to be answered, but kneeling sure helps to release faith faster, which increases the speed by which prayers are answered.
Being a Yoruba girl, I was raised to kneel for my elders, it was considered a sign of respect. I think this helped shape my belief that when I pray kneeling down, I am more respectful...God sees the heart so He answers all our prayers regardless of our physical position. That said, it was just refreshing to read in Acts 21:5 that the disciples knelt and prayed, I will continue to do that. Shalom!