"What if Adam had not eaten the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil?"
"Then we would have had no need for salvation." He responded.
His little brother continued, "What if Eve had not listened to Satan?"
"Then she would not have eaten the fruit, and most likely Adam wouldn't have eaten it too."
"What if Adam had refused to take the fruit from Eve when she offered it to him?"
"Then God would have destroyed Eve and made another Eve for Adam from his bones."
"I would have preferred that option." His little brother replied.
"I too." Tolani replied, "but it did not happen like that. So let's rejoice in the grace of Christ."
Tolani's discussion with his brother is a familiar one. Many of us have wondered "what if" the fall in the garden of Eden had not happened. A minster once shared how he wondered what would have happened if Adam and Eve had asked God for forgiveness after the fall, whether things wouldn't have changed. I have wondered and wished that Eve, after speaking with the Serpent, had waited till God came around in the cool of the Evening to ask Him regarding how she could become a "god", since that was the way Lucifer "got her". However, like Tolani stated, things did not happen that way, however, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, did happen and in that I do rejoice!