Ten years ago this date. The last Sunday in October, 1997, my church family in Tottenham stretched forth their hands towards me. The leadership team circled me. After the prayer, apostle/pastor Mark (I call him papa mark and his wife, mama Mary) prophesized to me.
I was leaving for Nigeria later that week. I had spent a little over a year in London. I left Nigeria thinking I was going for a career training, however God had bigger plans for me. I went through a lot of spiritual training. When I was sent forth, I was leaving in a better shape than when I came.
The prophecy was edifying, comforting, inspiring. I still remember some exact words. I wish I had recorded them. Ten years later, I see how far I've come. I stir up the gift that was deposited in me. I can testify to the anointing upon my life and ministry. I am honored that the Lord Jesus Christ chose me to declare His love to all. I appreciate His grace upon my life.
What was that apostle Paul said in 1 Timothy 1:12?
"I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry."
That fits the way I'm feel right now.
October is Pastor appreciation month, I appreciate every minister, particularly pastors that have blessed me. Because you gave, I can give to others.
- Derbrah