Soji,Twenty eight years ago,
You left me and this world.
I will always miss you,
I'm grateful for who you were to me
I'm thankful that you cared
I'm joyful that you were there.
Twenty eight years ago
You disappeared from my life
Death stole you from us
The grave ensured
That we could not have communion
It’s been twenty eight years
You would have been 46
But the sting of death
Destroyed the possibility
Of you marrying and leaving a seed
Of me, being cared for by you
The short victory of the grave
Left me without a biological brother
Deprived me of the only physical father
I could emulate and desire
Twenty eight years
Seems so long
Twenty eight years
I was bound
Twenty eight years
Satan’s deception
Twenty eight years
Till I gained freedom
I was too young then
Naïve, untaught, ignorant
Lacking information
Plunged in the wrong direction
The Devil saw the innocence
And doing what he does best
Sowed condemnation
My grief watered his deceit
Lack of knowledge
Was the soil for his whims
The seed of error
Germinated and grew
Bearing the fruit
Of dissatisfaction
Self-doubt and limitation
Twenty eight years
Yes it took that long
For me to break free
For me to confidently proclaim
Soji, you’re physically dead
But you’re still loved
Soji, you’re in heaven
But also in my heart
Twenty eight years
Is not too long
To shed a tear
To say thank you
To sing a song
To tell of you
No twenty eight years
Is just the beginning
Of my testimony
Of what God did for me
Of how Christ made me free
Twenty eight years
Doesn’t come close
To the time we’ll share in eternity
With the Bride of the Lamb
Twenty eight years
And many more
I’ll rejoice in the truth
That absent from the body
We are present with the Lord
For you believed that Jesus Christ
Paid the price for your sin
Yes it’s been twenty eight years
Satan, I’m still standing
What you did to crush me
Only served to prod me
Weeping endured for the night of twenty eight years
God’s joy has dawned
His light has shone
His mercy preserved
Even these twenty eight years
I have a brother in heaven
Sitted at the right hand of God in Christ
He’s been there for twenty eight years